June 29, 11:20 am: Arts in Society Conference at Emily Carr University
Workshop/Presentation: Martinez and Kreye’s shared research focuses on embodied learning as a critical alternative to resist and transform dominant systems of education. Rooted in performance, somatics, feminist theory and phenomenology they see embodied learning as a united and holistic process where intellectual understanding is not opposed nor separate from emotional or sensory experiences of the body, but rather integral and complementary. Through simple exercises in movement, sensation, navigating space, and establishing intuition, participants will explore ways to be present within the often disembodied spaces of academia. This participatory presentation will offer an opportunity to experience the context of the conference from an unusual perspective, one that will bridge the split between mind and body allowing for a more expansive space to integrate and share knowledge. 

July 14yh 2pm: Performance at Griffin Art Projects
Guadalupe Martinez will respond to the exhibition through a performative action that animates the landscape surrounding the gallery space, its materiality, and the silent connections that are established, disrupted, and evoked through the artistic narrative of the show.

April 2019: Upcoming exhibition at Or Gallery